Anyone can vote for their favorite show. The voting period is Tuesday June 23 at 12:01 am UTC, through Tuesday June 30 at 11:59 pm UTC.
If you are a current (dues paid-up) ILDA Member you will automatically get an email with your ballot instructions once the voting period opens. If you are a Corporate or Nonprofit Member, the main contact plus each "bundle" person will automatically receive an email ballot. To find out more about bundles, log in at and go here.
Member employees not on our list: If you are an ILDA Member employee who is not on this list (e.g., you're not a contact or bundle person already in our database), you can request a ballot using the same procedure as non-members. Please state which ILDA Member you work for or are otherwise associated with.
Members who did not receive an automatic ballot: If you are an ILDA Member who should have received an automatic email ballot (e.g., you're a contact or bundle person already in our database), but you did not receive a ballot by Tuesday June 23 at 9 am UTC, you can request a ballot using the same procedure as non-members. Be sure to state you should have received a ballot automatically. We will try to get a ballot to you, but we cannot be responsible if ballots do not reach you, as described below in the Voting Terms and Conditions.
If you are not an ILDA Member, email us on or before Friday June 26 at 11:59 pm UTC to request a ballot. Send your email request to this address:

In your email, please let us know how you found out about this contest — a friend, work in the industry, happened to be websurfing, etc. We will use the same email address that we see in the "From" field — do not ask us to send to a different address. We will not send an acknowledgement of your request. You should see the ballot within a few hours after the voting period opens. If you do not see it by Tuesday June 23 at 9 am UTC, contact ILDA again but use the email address on this page.