The ILDA logo is a trademark which is reserved for use by ILDA, for official ILDA business. It cannot be used for products, companies, individuals or other non-ILDA purposes.
Current, paid-up ILDA Members are permitted to use "ILDA Member" logos to indicate their membership. There are two styles. Members can download these logos from the ILDA Member logos page (Member log-in required).
A few Members have submitted and been accredited as a "ILDA Accredited Professional Lasershow Company". IAPLC companies may use the "ILDA Professional" logo. To obtain copies of this, an IAPLC company should contact ILDA.
Here are examples of permitted and prohibited uses of the ILDA and ILDA Member logos. If you have specific questions, contact ILDA.
Logo usage by ILDA Corporate and Nonprofit Members
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No reproduction of the text or images on ILDA websites is allowed without written permission of ILDA or other copyright holders. "ILDA" and the ILDA logo are trademarks of the International Laser Display Association.
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