Many older ILDA Members had their first exposure to laser displays at a planetarium running Laserium shows. Dryer’s example helped inspire these Members to get into the business, and often to found their own laser display companies.
Within ILDA, Dryer was known for his quiet, thoughtful and kind demeanor. He was a founding Member of the association, served on the Board from 1990 to 1994, and was ILDA President from 1990 to 1992.
Laser Images was host of the 1991 ILDA Conference, held in Los Angeles. The company won 43 ILDA Awards for artistic and technical excellence, in the years between 1988 and 2000.
A 2002 newspaper article summed up how laserists felt about him: “Dryer appears to be universally regarded with awe and respect.”
In early 2017, ILDA honored Ivan Dryer by declaring his birthday, March 7, to be “International Laserist Day.” He was sent this plaque, to let him know how much he means to ILDA and laserists in general.
His brother, David Dryer, presented it to him and told ILDA “Ivan had a big smile on his face when I showed him the plaque. That's the first smile in about a year!”
From Linda Nebon via Facebook: Friday August 4th at 1:00 pm Pacific Time is the Internment Gathering for Ivan Dryer to rest next to his beloved Carol’s grave, at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park - Hollywood, 6300 Forest Lawn Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90068. For those who can and wish to attend, meet at the Gate and Parking area BEFORE 1:00 pm to await escort by cemetery personnel. This will be informal.
A Memorial Event is being planned for some weeks later, probably early September, that will allow for planning, as well as producing, a cherished memory of a wonderful man.
From Scott Anderson, Sept. 8 2017: Memorial for Ivan Dryer, the creator of Laserium, will be held on Friday, Sept. 15, 2017 starting at 6:00 PM at the Vortex Dome, at LA Center Studios: Parking - enter at 450 South Bixel St., Los Angeles, CA 90017. Please RSVP & for directions contact Linda Nebon at linda-dot-spaceharp-at-gmail-dot-com
Memorial Service video: This video from the Memorial Service is on YouTube:
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“Blow Your Mind” photo by Laser Show Design Inc.