• Statement on piracy

  • Statement on piracy

ILDA does not condone or encourage intellectual property theft ("piracy"), including:

  • Claiming credit for shows done by others
  • Failing to obtain permission to use shows, show elements, graphics, text and other intellectual property
  • Recording shows without permission (whether recording video or recording signals) for public display or use
  • Recording signals of shows which contain elements (graphics, cues) created by others, which are not licensed for re-use or recording
  • Illegally copying and/or distributing software and artware in ways that violate the license agreement. (It may be OK to copy for backup purposes — check your license)
  • Reverse-engineering hardware when not done cleanroom style (e.g. actually disassembling code rather than determining what code does and writing a cleanroom version from scratch)
  • Violating ILDA Member patents
Intellectual property theft violates the Bylaws, the Code of Ethics and/or the Code of Business Practice.

If there is a problem with an ILDA Member, anyone may file an Ethics Complaint against the Member. The ILDA Ethics Committee reviews and seeks to resolve the complaint, in order to reach a fair settlement.

Use of third-party show elements

For shows recorded by ILDA or under ILDA's auspices such as at the annual Conference (Lase-Off, Laser Jockey and Awards), each person recorded must sign a statement agreeing to the recording and how it will be used. This statement includes the following language:

  • I certify that this performance is my own work, based on my own artistic material and source assets and that I have acknowledged all material and sources used in its preparation, whether they be frames, cues, and/or any other kind of electronic source file. I also certify that this performance does not contain any third-party content, except where specific permission has been granted from all stakeholders and collaborators involved, and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise utilized the work of other artists or content creators without their express written consent.
Note that some laser software and artware comes with restrictions on how the frames, animations, cues and other show elements may be used.

For example, Pangolin Laser Software's Beyond program specifically prohibits recording shows created with Pangolin-provided workspaces (which in turn include frames, animations and cues). If you wish to give ILDA or others permission to record Beyond-created shows, you must create and develop your own workspaces or otherwise seek written permission in advance from Pangolin on a case-by-case basis. More information is at Pangolin's piracy webpage [link goes here].

For more information, visit our other ILDA websites:

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ILDAmember.com: Membership database and event management, including joining ILDA
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LasershowSafety.info: Information about safe laser shows, including laws, regulations, checklists, and more

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