NOTE: This webpage was active during the ILDA Cloud Conference, primarily for registered attendees. Among other things, it lists each of the Conference events.
We have another, earlier, webpage which announced the Conference. It had information on how to register and other pre-conference information. You can see it here.
The Conference will use these four online methods to give everyone an optimum experience:
1. An online Zoom meeting so everyone can "be in the same room" for presentations, discussions, etc.
2. A high-definition streaming video viewer on this webpage so that everyone can see high-quality videos or laser shows. This gives much better video quality than Zoom can provide.
3. An optional discussion and tech help area using the Discord messaging system. This is similar to the "hanging out" that people do at an in-person conference, in the halls and at the bars outside of the formal meeting.
4. A voting system for the few times during the Conference when we need to take a vote.
Details on how to set up and use these are in the sections below:
The main ILDA Cloud Conference stream will be using Zoom. The Zoom links to use for the Conference are below. Click the blue button "List of all events."
Note that there are four different Zoom links, for different parts of the Conference. This is because Zoom cannot do one very long meeting!
We have color-coded the events, on the at-a-glance schedule and also on the list of events on this page. This will help you find the right Zoom link for each part of the Conference.
Zooming is pretty simple but we cannot go into the basics here. There is a technical support session from 11 am to 1 pm Eastern/NY on Friday Nov. 20. See below in the list of events for details. Use this time to check out that your Zoom is working and to ask any questions about the HD Stream and Discord.
On this page is a high-resolution HD Stream video viewer. This will be used for times we need high-quality video, because Zoom compresses quality too much. Our technical wizards, Newlin Parker and Will Carder, are managing the HD Stream.
To see the HD Stream you just click in the HD Stream viewer window below. A new browser tab will open with the Log in using the username and password we sent you by email on November 20, about 12 hours before the Conference's official start time.
When you first join the HD Stream, you'll be asked to pick a stream closest to you, and a video bandwidth appropriate for your situation. Do this. Then a video screen will open.
You can maximize the HD Stream window to full size if you wish, by using the 4-bracket icon in the lower right corner of the player window. Keep the video stream open to view content that will be played during the Zoom meeting. At times the HD Stream may be black or blank if there is no streaming content.
Note: Your HD Stream username is unique to you as a Conference registrant. Do not share it with others; if they use your username, they will block your usage.
If you want to present your own laser show(s) during the Lase-Off or the "ILDA After Dark" informal sessions, we can provide instructions for sending to the HD Stream. These instructions will be added later to this page.
We have set up a Discord server just for ILDA. It can be used for official side discussions, technical help, and other talk that is not the main Zoom presentation. This is the online equivalent of stepping outside the main meeting area for a quick chat, or meeting at the bar for longer talks.
Discord works kind of like forum software, with various channels such as "#announcements" and "#visitors-artistic". At the "#choose-your-interests" section on the left side, you can join some of these channels.
Discord has a lot of power and options. Some registrants may find Discord confusing or intimidating. Don't worry —it is NOT necessary to use Discord to take part in the Conference. Though since the Conference is 57 hours long you might want to try checking it out at some point
Discord can be used in a web browser or as a standalone program. For use in a browser, simply go to the website and log in (you do need to create a free account the first time).
You can also download a program for your computer from the same website Just click the above link and you will see two choices (yours will have your operating system where it says "Download for Mac"):
To go to ILDA's Discord server, use this link: This is where all technical help will be handled. On the left side of the Discord window will be a channel list. One channel is called #community-conduct. Click that channel.
1. Once there, you will see ILDA's Discord code of conduct, with a green checkbox at the bottom. Check the box to accept the code of conduct.
2. Next, in the left pane, you'll see a channel called "#choose-your-interests". Go there and choose your interests. Make sure you choose "Conference" plus any others that interest you.
3. In the left panel, you should now be able to see a category called "Conference". Click to expand it, and then you'll see related channels: "#conference-info-2020" "#tech-help-2020-conference" underneath it. You can go to #conference-info-2020 to see up to the minute information about the conference. If you need help, go to #tech-help-2020-conference, and we'll be there to help you.
If you are completely and utterly lost, you can contact us, and we will lead you out of the woods and into the conference room.
Newlin Parker and Will Carder
2020 ILDA Cloud Conference Technical Coordinators
There will be at least two votes taken during the ILDA Cloud Conference, one for the Laser Jockey contest and one for the Offline Best of Show contest. There also may be voting for motions during the ILDA General Business meeting.
Voting will be done using a system called OpaVote; ILDA has used it before this year.
When the time comes to vote during an event, OpaVote will immediately send an email to all attendees who are eligible to vote in the election. The email will have a link and instructions.
When you get the email, click on it to go a web page where you make your ballot choices. Then, click the "Vote!" button to submit your vote.
Your Cloud Conference setup will work best if you have two (or more!) screens and monitors. Put the HD Stream on your biggest display. Put the Zoom meeting on your smaller display. If you have a third — lucky you — use it for Discord and for regular windows like email, web surfing, Facebook, etc.
You can also use two separate devices, one for the Zoom meeting and one for the HD Stream. You may have to log in again if you switch devices.
We do require that each registered person use one device for Zoom and the same or a different device for the HD Stream. Sorry, but you cannot have more than one Zoom and more than one HD Stream at any given time.
You are welcome to have as many persons as you want "look over your shoulder" at your screens so they can share the ILDA Conference with you.
A big advantage of the Cloud Conference is that many more Members around the world can attend. We've set our schedule to try and accommodate people in as many different time zones as possible. For some seminars, we even have two sessions, at widely spread times to maximize access.
Since laserists tend to be late night and all hours, we're keeping the Zoom meetings and HD Stream on for the entire Cloud Conference. Between scheduled events you'll always find friends to hang out with "after dark".
The sample above is the Conference schedule for the Eastern U.S., UTC-5. There are four colors used for the events: gray, red, green, and blue. These correspond to the four different Zoom links that you need to use, to attend these events. The links are in the next section below, "Zoom links to all events."
Note that Sunday's Safety Seminar A starts 30 minutes after the hour (at 7:30 am Eastern in this case). This is the only Conference event that does not start evenly on an hour.
This occurs four hours before the official start of the Cloud Conference (the Kickoff/Pandemic discussion).
The help session is specifically for people who may want to test their connections, or who have questions about using our tools: Zoom, the HD Stream, and Discord. This is especially designed for novices so there is plenty of time to figure things out.
This occurs one hour before the official start of the Cloud Conference (the Kickoff/Pandemic discussion).
This is designed as a warmup to help everyone make sure their connections are working, etc. before the official start.
You do not have to sit through the entire warmup hour if you're confident everything is working. Just tune in 5 or 10 minutes before the start of the Kickoff/Pandemic discussion.
The Conference begins with a Kickoff event, followed by a seminar and discussions about the current state of laser shows, what events have worked, and when we might be getting back to normal.
00:15 - Pangolin's William R. Benner and Justin Perry — Worldwide impact of Covid on laser shows
01:00 - Michael Strickland of Bandit Lites - U.S. help for Covid-struck event businesses, outlook for resumption of events
01:30 - Olga Eser of Effect SES, Turkey — How I developed new revenue
01:50 - General discussion
How and why the ILDA Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee was established.
00:00 Kristin Nelson, EDI chair - Overview
00:30 Karla Parker, demonstration of laser show done by a visually impaired person
Presentations relating to the art and technique of laser shows. Organized and moderated by Nisha Ramnath.
Approximate times:
00:00 Nisha Ramnath
00:10 Mike Meyer/Brad Billet, Smoke sausage fog technique
00:25 Mike Gould, Headless horseman laser event; working on multifaceted events in the time of COVID
00:40 Sally Sterenko, Flames and lasers
00:55 Theo Dari, Gizmo Tweak
01:05 Lyra Letourneau, Pangolin's Beam Brush
01:20 Christopher Short, Radiator
01:35 Dustin Derry, Mercury
01:50 Open Discussion
02:00 Nominal end. The discussion can go on much longer if desired, as there is no scheduled event for four more hours.
Presentations relating to the art and technique of laser shows. Organized and moderated by Nisha Ramnath.
Approximate times:
00:00 Nisha Ramnath
00:10 Mike Meyer/Brad Billet, Smoke sausage fog technique
00:25 Mike Gould, Headless horseman laser event; working on multifaceted events in the time of COVID
00:40 Sally Sterenko, Flames and lasers
00:55 Theo Dari, Gizmo Tweak
01:05 Lyra Letourneau, Pangolin's Beam Brush
01:20 Christopher Short, Radiator
01:35 Dustin Derry, Mercury
01:50 Open Discussion
02:00 Nominal end. The discussion can go on much longer if desired, as there is no scheduled event for four more hours.
Updates and demonstrations of the ILDA Digital Network standard. Organized and moderated by Dirk Apitz, Technical Committee chair.
How and why the ILDA Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee was established.
00:00 Kristin Nelson, EDI chair - Overview
00:30 Karla Parker, demonstration of laser show done by a visually impaired person
The ILDA General Business Meeting is required by the Bylaws. There will be reports on the association plus voting on any motions. This is your chance to help shape the association.
Welcome & opening of meeting
Members introduce themselves
Recognition of Assisting Persons: Newlin Parker and Will Carder, Richard Gonsalves, Brian Gonzalez
Recognition of Safety Software Sponsor: Roberta McHatton
Recognition of ILDA Accredited Professional Members
LaserNet, Laser Spectacles Inc., LOBO
Recognition of past Career Achievement Award recipients: Patrick Murphy, 2004; William Benner, 2007; Greg Makhov, 2009; Lothar Bopp, 2010; Tom Harman, 2012; Tim Walsh, 2014; Dr. Alexander Timofeyev, 2016; Alberto Kellner Ongaro, 2019
Reading of the ILDA Purpose and Code of Ethics
Election of Board of Directors
Three seats up for election: Brad Billet, Olga Eser, Christopher Short
Three candidates: Olga Eser, Theo Petrides, Christopher Short
Vote to elect by acclamation
Election of President
Any of five Board Members can run for President
One candidate: Brian Gonzalez
Vote to elect by acclamation
Appointment or Election of Secretary
David Kumpula “happy to continue as desired”
ILDA status report
Responses to pandemic
ILDA Offline Contest, March 30 - May 17. ILDA Offline-Connected, May 21 – June 21. Created and managed by Richard Gonsalves – thank you!
Coronavirus information page. Resources, legislation, etc.
Six significantly discounted ILDA LSO courses, up to 62% off, April - May
Responses to protests over many deaths (George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Nina Pop, Dreasjon Reed, Tony McDade, David McAtee)
June 29 ILDA Board Statement on Racism
Formation of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Kristin Nelson, Organizing Chair
Also a focus on access and accommodation: Karla Parker’s laser show, descriptive narration service
Laser safety courses
Laser Safety Officer course: 32 persons in 2020
Laser Safety Inspector course: 17 persons in 2020
Committee Status Reports
Safety – Greg Makhov
Ethics – Roberta McHatton on behalf of Paul Berthot
Technical – Dirk Apitz
Awards – Richard Gonsalves
Regulatory - Brian Gonzalez
Conference – Christine Jenkin
Future Conferences
Conference 2021 – ER’s new facility not ready; need a new host
Old Business
Sponsorship and hosting – open to all. Ex: safety software sponsorship
New Business
ILDA Policy on Recording at the Conference
Six laserists will play, live, from their laser studio, to music that they have not heard before. This challenging competition tests the ability to make a creative, exciting show on the fly.
After the six laserists have finished, emails will be sent to all Conference registrants so you can rank your favorites. The winner will be announced and awarded tomorrow during the Awards Presentation.
In April and May 2020, the ILDA Offline contest was for entries done at home or in a studio during the pandemic. There were three entry rounds. The winners from each round will be shown, and then the online audience can vote for their favorite. That person will receive an award the next night during the ILDA Awards.
Organized and presented by Richard Gonsalves, ILDA Awards chair, originator and sponsor of the ILDA Offline contest.
After the Laser Jockey and Offline contestants are done, we'll have a "Lase-Off" which is an informal showing of laser shows. Some will be pre-recorded and some will be live from online laser studios. This will go on as long as there are still people interested in presenting.
See if you can "beat the judges" by ranking excerpts from laser shows entered in the 2020 ILDA Awards. Will you come close or match the judges' selections in a category?
Also, a discussion of proposed changes to the ILDA Awards for 2021. Organized and presented by Patrick Murphy.
View an 8-minute excerpt from the documentary movie "Laserium, the Gods of Light." This excerpt was kindly created specifically for the ILDA Cloud Conference by the producer/director, Bjorn Schaller.
Afterwards, we will have a telephone discussion with Bjorn about the film and the early days of laser light shows.
See if you can "beat the judges" by ranking excerpts from laser shows entered in the 2020 ILDA Awards. Will you come close or match the judges' selections in a category?
Also, a discussion of proposed changes to the ILDA Awards for 2021. Organized and presented by Patrick Murphy.
View an 8-minute excerpt from the documentary movie "Laserium, the Gods of Light." This excerpt was kindly created specifically for the ILDA Cloud Conference by the producer/director, Bjorn Schaller.
Afterwards, we will have a telephone discussion with Bjorn about the film and the early days of laser light shows.
An overview of safety regulations and culture. Although some presenters are U.S.-specific, the concepts they discuss may be applicable to laser safety worldwide.
00:00 - Roberta McHatton, Laser Safety Services, an overview of laser safety regulations and culture. Based on an invited talk given to Loughborough University's annual laser conference.
00:45 - Stephen Prater, U.S. Federal Aviation Administration. Considerations for laser shows done outdoors with beams in airspace.
01:30 - William Calhoun, U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Latest updates and guidance from the FDA.
Presentations of new devices, hardware, software and services. Organized and presented by Dirk Apitz.
00:00 Dirk Apitz, ILDA Technical Committee chair, Introduction
00:05 William R. Benner, Jr., Pangolin Laser Systems, Beam Brush Hardware, Software and Shows
William will be presenting what's happening with Beam Brush, who has it, who is working with it, what those people have done, how it is distributed into the marketplace, etc.
00:30 David Kumpula, A Very Capable Projector
Amateur builder and experimental laserist, David Kumpula shares the results of his efforts to create a laser projector with an unusually wide range of capabilities. Beams, Lumia, 2 x 90kpps graphics, Pangolin's Beambrush, Glow in the Dark - this projector has it all.
01:00 Paul Clark, Greenwave Interactive (Greenwave Laser), Creating interactive laser art with ViGraph
ViGraph is a platform for creating interactive and generative systems in graphics and audio without writing code. Greenwave has used it in a number of interactive laser installations, and this presentation will introduce the concepts and look under the hood of a recent work.
01:15 Theo Dari, Laserman, tSlice GizmoTweak, a new paradigm to create innovative laser effects
The inventor of Laserman acts and LAARIS interactive laser systems, demonstrates his unreleased software "tSlice GizmoTweak". The software creates custom laser effects to simulate real-life objects, movements and physics. It is versatile and can be used for graphics, beam shows, abstracts, live characters, mapping, etc. Theo explains and shows live how simple and fast it is to create exactly the effect you imagine. Output can be an ILDA file with a frame or a complete moving animation.
01:45Matthias Frank, University of Bonn/Germany, Laser & Light Lab (Institute of Computer Science 4), Update of IDN work at Uni Bonn
The presentation gives an update on the following items:
• Wireshark Dissector for IDN protocols
• IDN-Laser-Tester (live from the lab of Uni Bonn with lasers)
• Remote configuration of IDN consumers (live with IDN visualization software)
02:15 Dirk Apitz, DexLogic, DexConnect, the IDN Swiss Army Knife
An update on the next big step in IDN evolution. A multi-platform native library (currently Linux, Windows and MacOS) for receiving, sending, playing, storing and manipulating IDN streams - and Parsec, a multi-platform user interface in JAVA (using the library via JNI) for playback and recording control.
02:45 David Francus, Video and Laser as a Visual Instrument
Video and laser can be combined into a cohesive instrument for abstract expression. This presentation will discuss techniques, equipment, and asset packaging for combined video and laser image performances.
03:15 General Q&A/Discussion
The highlight of the final day is the 2020 ILDA Awards. Categories include Artistic, Technical, Career Achievement and Special Achievement. You'll get to see the winning entries and hear from the award recipients.
In keeping with our traditional formal dinner, please wear a suit, tuxedo or evening wear while you are on the Zoom (at least on the parts we can see on camera!). This is a special event and we want to look special.
Award winners who were not able to make a video acceptance speech in advance may be able to do so live, after all winning entries in their category are shown. All acceptance speeches are limited to 45 seconds maximum.
Discussion about ILDA: Suggestions, improvements, SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat). Organized and presented by Brian Gonzalez, ILDA President.
An overview of safety regulations and culture. Although some presenters are U.S.-specific, the concepts they discuss may be applicable to laser safety worldwide.
00:00 - Roberta McHatton, Laser Safety Services, an overview of laser safety regulations and culture. Based on an invited talk given to Loughborough University's annual laser conference.
00:45 - Stephen Prater, U.S. Federal Aviation Administration. Considerations for laser shows done outdoors with beams in airspace.
01:30 - William Calhoun, U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Latest updates and guidance from the FDA.
At in-person Conferences, we present three laser safety classes: Laser Operator, Laser Safety Officer, Audience Scanning Safety. Information on these is here.
However, for 2020's Cloud Conference, we will not be presenting these as part of the Conference. We will have them shortly after the Conference.
When the HD Stream first becomes publicly active, around 11 am Eastern/NY on Friday, Nov. 20, you will be able to click in the box above, log into the HD Stream with the username and password we provided by email, and then you can view the HD Stream.
To make the HD Stream full screen, click the icon that will be in the lower right corner. To reduce it, click the same icon.
Our thanks to Roger George Special Effects, who has donated a LeMaitre GForce2 Smoke Machine, a $1500 value.
Roger George Special Effects has provided equipment and materials to countless motion pictures, television shows, commercials, music videos, music tours, theme parks, and theatrical productions — for over 40 years.
Visit Roger George Special Effects at, on Facebook at @rogergeorgespecialeffects, and on Instagram @rogergeorgespfx.
Our thanks to Roberta McHatton at Laser Safety Services, for donating a free FDA Variance and Laser Light Show Product Report, or an online Laser Safety Officer Class.
Laser Safety Services helps individuals and companies comply with U.S. safety and legality requirements. Contact her to find out how she can help break through complex FDA paperwork
ILDA is providing a door prize of a free laser safety course.
Choose from the most popular Laser Safety Officer for Lightshows, or specialist courses Laser Operator or Advanced Audience Scanning Safety.
More information on these courses is here.
The door prize drawings were held during the ILDA Awards Presentation on November 22, 2020. Winner of the LeMaitre GForce2 Smoke Machine donated by Roger George Special Effects was Paul Clark of Greenwave Interactive. Winner of the Laser Safety Services prize was Merlin Schaadt. Winner of the ILDA laser safety course was Marco Inselvini. Congratulations to the winners!
For more information, visit our other ILDA websites:
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