Your Ethics Complaint Form has been successfully submitted. Don’t forget that you must also send additional documentation for your Complaint to be complete.
If you do not hear from ILDA within a few days, please feel free to contact us.
In addition to submitting the Ethics Complaint Form, you must also send ILDA a separate email containing full documentation of the situation. The list below explains what is needed. Gather your documentation and email it to
• A detailed description of the situation (longer and more specific than the summary above).
• A timeline. This can be part of the detailed description, or may be separate in complex cases. It should be easy for the Ethics Committee to understand and follow the chronological order of the significant dates/events of the situation. Here is an example timeline: "Nov. 10 2013, I ordered XYZ Laser's model 4000 projector. Nov. 11 2013: I received an email from Jane Doe at XYZ stating shipment would be on Nov. 12 via UPS. Nov. 17 2013 I called Jane to check on shipment, she said it was backordered two weeks."
• Any appropriate documents such as emails, contracts, photos, etc. to document the problem. If you have paper documents, scan them so they can be included in the email documentation. You may black out or delete information that is private or that does not pertain to the complaint.
• Any information from third-parties who may be able to back up your account. Include contact information for these persons.
• Any explanations or proposed solutions that have been given to you by the ILDA Member. Then give your side, as to why you do not accept the explanations or proposed solutions.
• Any additional comments or notes.
NOTE: The Ethics Committee may request due to special circumstances, a faster response than the 30 day periods outlined above. The faster response period shall state the requested deadline. The deadline shall not be shorter than 10 days (e.g., it must be between 10 and 30 days).
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