2004 ILDA Awards

Presented at the 2004 ILDA Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, held in conjunction with the Lighting Dimensions International trade show
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Laser companies from the United States, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Russia received the industry’s equivalent of Hollywood’s “Oscars” for shows that included outdoor festivals, corporate productions, theme park installations and special events.

This year saw the addition of three new categories recognizing laser displays used in nightclubs and discos, in video and film productions, and in live stage performances.

There was also a new "Best of Show," won by LFI International and Fischer Media Group, honoring what the judges considered to be the most outstanding laser display from among all the winning entries. A total of 16 companies, representing six nations, took home awards in a dozen categories. (The photo above shows Alberto Kellner, Laser Entertainment srl, Italy (left), Alexander Timofeyev, Orion Art Production Intl., Russia (center) and Patrick Awouters, Laser System Europe, Belgium.)

ILDA artistic awards are given in twelve categories, with a panel of judges reviewing live laser presentations whenever possible. A unanimous vote was required to award the "Best of" in each category.

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